
Steps to Fix MSVCP140.dll is Missing Error on Windows

Are you the one getting a msvcp140.dll missing error on your Windows operating system? You are getting the while trying to open a program like WAMP Server, Skype or while playing some Game, then here in this article follow the complete information as well as solution to fix it.  

The MSVCP140.dll is a Microsoft C Runtime Library file and works like the .exe file. This file size is around 626 KB and situated in the System32 folder. This is installed by Microsoft Visual Studio. It is shared file that supports the launching or loading of the games or programs in the C, C++ and C++/CLI programming languages

But if in case the MSVCP140.dll files go missing or corrupted, then, in this case, you might start receiving the “The program can't start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem” or “This application failed to start because MSVCP140.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.”

DLL stands for Dynamic Link Libraries and plays a very vital role in Windows operating system. But there are many cases due to which the DLL files get corrupted and start showing various errors. Here follow some of the common causes that are responsible for getting the MSVCP140.dll missing or not found error. 

Causes of the MSVCP140.dll Missing Error:

  • Due to unexpected system shutdown 
  • The invalid or corrupt MSVCP140.dll registry entry.
  • Due to the virus or malware infection.
  • The hardware failure like bad hard drive can corrupt MSVCP140.dll error.

Well, these are a common reason that causes the MSVCP140.dll missing error in Windows operating system.

So, in this case, to fix MSVCP140.dll missing or MSVCP140.dll not found error make use of the DLL Repair Tool

Automatic Solution to Fix MSVCP140.dll Error

Scan your Windows OS with the professional recommended DLL Repair Tool. This is a repair utility that can help to fix the Windows operating system from damages caused by viruses, malware, spyware and many others. It is highly advance and designed with the advance repair utility to PC error-free and fix the problem of crashes, freezes, blue screen errors and much more just by scanning once automatically. It is easy to use and fixes the error automatically so there is no need to contact and technical person. Just download and install it to make your PC error free.

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However, the Windows MSVCP140.dll missing error can be resolved manually. So, here we have mentioned some manual solutions that you can utilize if you are technically savvy and can perform the solutions easily. 

Manual Solutions for “MSVCP140.dll is missing” Error

Well, as we have mentioned above there are many reasons behind getting the MSVCP140.dll is a missing error. So, there is no any exact solution that will definitely help you to resolve MSVCP140.dll not found the error.

Solution 1: Check the Recycle Bin

It might happen you accidentally deleted the MSVCP140.dll file and due to this, you are encountering the error messages on your Windows operating system.

So, here we recommend you to check the Recycle Bin first. Open the Recycle Bin and paste the file name into the search box. If you find it there than simply “Restore” it, but if in case it is not presented there then scan your system for viruses or malware.

Solution 2: Scan your system For Virus

There are chances that the MSVCP140.dll missing file is related to a virus/malware infection in your Windows OS. These malicious programs damage and corrupt or even delete the DLL related files in many cases. So the best is to scan your Windows PC/laptop with a powerful antimalware program, this can make your DLL files free from any type of virus infection and resolve the MSVCP140.dll missing error. 

But if in case not then make use of the automatic DLL repair tool without any hassle. Here follow the steps to utilize it. 

Steps to Utilize DLL Repair Tool:

Step 1: Start your Windows PC/laptop and scan for free. Next, check your in-depth analysis in a detailed scan report.

Step 2: Now activate the tool by purchasing the license key to let the Windows restoration begin.

Step 3: And lastly repair and replaces corrupted files, errors and more.

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Make use of the given solutions here to fix MSVCP140.dll missing error on Windows 7/8/8.1/10 operating system.

Hope, after making use of the solution you can fix the error but if not then utilize the DLL repair tool or download the MSVCP140.dll file from the Microsoft official site.

And as I always say, keep your drivers and operating system updated to keep your operating system optimized and error free as well.

Good Luck!!!


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