
Resolve Windows Store Error 0x8004804E

Hii Everyone,

I am Windows 10 users and while downloading apps from Windows store I am getting the error code 0x8004804E. I don’t what’s gone wrong and the download process halts in the middle after the error is displayed.

I tried the "wsreset", and reboot the system, after installing the available Windows Update but nothing helps. Is there any known solution to fix the Windows store error 0x8004804E? Please Help!!!

Windows store is highly important default apps of the Windows 10. This is the best source to download varieties to free as well as paid apps and also provide the system with the latest updates.

However, in many cases, it is seen that Windows Store stops functioning and start showing errors. One of the common Windows Store errors is 0x8004804E and this is commonly faced by many of the users while downloading apps on Windows 10 and as a result, the entire downloading process fails. 

Generally, Windows store starts showing the error when the Windows get outdated or missing other important apps. And nowadays, there are about hundreds of different Windows 10 Store errors, that stop Windows 10 from opening and freeze the app/ download process fails/ or the install process fails. 

Well, this is highly irritating and the error code 0x8004804E allows the users to access the Windows Store, but no any app is downloaded. When the error pop-up it says:

“Try that again. Something went wrong. The error code is 0x8004804E in case you need it.”

But the Windows store error 0x8004804E is not something that can’t be fixed.

Causes of the Error Code 0x8004804e:

It is found that users are getting the Windows Store error code 0x8004804E due to below-given issues, such as:

  • Windows Store Cache
  • Corrupted Windows Store components
  • Missing Windows Updates
  • Outdated Windows components 

So to fix the error make use of the Windows Repair Tool, this is the best tool to fix Windows store error 0x8004804E and other Windows related issues

Automatic Solution: Windows Repair Tool

Utilize the Windows Repair Tool suggested by the professional. This is the best tool to fix various issues and errors in Windows system. This helps you to recover your system various issues and also protect their system from file issue, hardware failure and as well optimize the performance of the Windows PC. It is complete repair utility that scans, detect and fix the Windows issues as well as errors. Apart from that you can also fix various PC problems like BSOD, DLL error, Registry issues, drivers issues, application error and many others and prevents others issues automatically just by scanning once.

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Well, if are highly technically savvy and want to make use of the manual solution then here follow the given solutions.

Helpful Article: Tricks You Can Use To FixWindows 10 Store Error Code 0x80240437 

Manual Solution to Resolve Windows store Error Code 0x8004804E

Method 1: Modify Windows Store Cache Folder

Follow the steps to modify the Windows Store Cache folder.

  • Open Run by pressing Windows + R key
  • Then copy %localappdata%\\Packages\\Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\LocalState command and paste it in the Run dialogue box.
  • And click OK to open the directory.
  • Now locate the Cache folder and right-click on it.
  • Choose Rename > name it as Cache.old.
  • But, if Cache folder is missing > create it. 
  • Right-click on the empty space and select New > Folder.
  • Name it Cache > close File Explorer.
  • And hit Windows + I key > open Updates & Security.
  • From the left pane choose to Troubleshoot > find the Windows Store App.
  • Click on it > Run a scan.

Follow the manual solution and fix error code 0x8004804E, but if you want to make use of the automatic repair tool then here follow the steps:

Steps to Utilize Windows Repair Tool:

Step 1: Start your Windows PC/laptop and scan for free. Next, check your in-depth analysis in a detailed scan report.

Step 2: Now activate the tool by purchasing the license key to let the Windows restoration begin.

Step 3: And lastly repair and replaces corrupted files, errors and more.

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Hope after following the given solutions you are able to fix Windows Store error code 0x8004804E. 

Here we have mentioned both the automatic as well as manual solutions; you can utilize it as per your desire.

Also don’t forget to update your device drivers, operating system time to time to avoid certain issues and keep your system healthy consequently.

So try the given solution and get rid of the Windows store error 0x8004804E and start using Windows Store easily in Windows 10. 


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