You might have found Error R6016 in your Windows 8. Do you know how this error occurs? In windows system runtime error generally occur due to the missing file in registry. Runtime error r6016 is among one of them which occurs in your system due to the missing of Wmplayer.exe file. This runtime error states that you are unable to start a program or an application. The most important thing to fix up any issue or error it to know about them the deep you know about your find a best way to fix permanently.
You want to play an audio or video in your system so you opened windows media player but you found that you are unable to start the windows media player and seeing a runtime error r6016on your system. It might be that your Wmplayer.exe file is corrupted. Wmplayer.exe is a executable file of the windows media player. By getting this error it is clear that you can’t access windows media player. If you are finding that this error can only effect then you are wrong this error not only effect your windows media player but effect the entire applications present in your system.
Wmplayer.exe file can be corrupted due to many reason among them virus is the most common reason behind the corruption of any file. It can be that your systems have virus attack which is damaging the file present in it or the file is moved from its original location to some unidentified location. It is very important to fix up the runtime error r6016 because it can slowly infect your entire system. The bets to resolve this error is to use a powerful repair tool. Reimage Repair Tool is the professional repair tool that can easily fix up any sort of PC or Windows related issue with an ease. By the help of this repair tool you can fix up registry error, RunTime Error, BSOD, DLL error, and other PC related error.
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