Windows 7 is considered as faster than that of Vista. It even utilizes the system resources more well manner with interesting looks and features. However it has never been perfect. There are many errors and problems that are encountered by the Windows 7 users. Here are most common Windows 7 problems and errors.
If you have recently shifted to Windows 7 then you may have encountered different interface issues, upgrading problems and even features that may disappear including other complications in the system. But you need to worry as there are corresponding solutions for every system problems.
DVD drive not found

At some instances the DVD drives are not found by the Windows 7. The best solution to eradicate this problem is to run REGEDIT, then browse for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
After this you need to delete both the LowerFilters and UpperFilters which is present at the right hand pane.
Aero is not running

If the Windows 7 does not work well then transparency may be turned off Aero theme that may not fully enabled on the system. To fix this problem you need to click on the Start button and then type Aero and then select the link that is labeled as ‘Find and fix problems with transparency and other visual effects’. This will resolve and identifies the problems and then you need to install the current drive for the graphics hardware.
Aero Snap irritations
Windows 7 can resize and move the windows and be a good productivity boost. However if you discover that the Windows is moving around where you are not expecting it to go then Aero Snap have to be checked. To get rid of this issues you need to Launch the Control Panel, then select Ease of Access, and then choose either ‘Change your keyboard works’ or ‘Change how your mouse work’. After this you need to browse down the selection “To make it easier to manage windows” and check on “prevents windows from being automatically arranged when moving towards the edges of the screen” and then click on “OK”.
Windows 7 theme changes the Custom Icons
Windows 7 exhibits amazing themes but their installation may provide some problems. This problem can be resolved by searching the empty area on the desktop and right click and chose the Personalize Change Desktop icons and then you need to clear the box and allow the themes to change the desktop icons and then click on OK.
Taskbar Problems

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The new approach to the task button is difficult to tell that is pinned, shortcut or running application. But it can fix easily for which you just need to right click on the taskbar and choose Properties and then go the next set Taskbar Buttons and ‘Combine when taskbar is full’ or ‘never combine’.
Here are some of the most common Windows 7 problems and errors that are been solved here other error that you may encounter can be created in same situations so when you are using the computer program application you can easily fix them with the help of Reimage Repair Tool. It is the best tool for repairing your Windows 7 in extreme conditions where you don’t have any choice other than reinstallation of Windows again.
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