
Steps to Fix Error Code 0xc000007b in Windows 7, 8, 8.1

Windows is the one of the most used and advanced operating system. This is the operating system that is preferred by various users. Users use this operating system because it is easy to use and can be access without any difficult. But sometimes this also gets corrupted or starts showing errors. While access some application users have to face some problems and errors. This is very common problem when users are accessing some high graphics application including games like Fifa, far Cry, Call on duty and many others games and applications also. So, here in this article we are going to describe the most annoying error Code 0xc000007b that is faced by the users of the Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1. This error generally appears when user tries to open any application and user get the given error message. So know how to fix it:
   The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

What is Error Code 0xc000007b 

Error Code 0xc000007b that is faced by the user due to corruption and errors in the Windows OS, and due to this user face error code 0xc000007b and faces the issues including program lockups, PC start performing slow, installation error and hardware issues. So know the common causes behind this error and also how to fix it.

Causes of Error Code 0xc000007b errors 

•    While updating Windows OS some important DLL files or registry files get corrupted or missing and this shows the error.
•    During installing or uninstalling programs in a bad way corrupt the DLL files or programs installed.
•    Due to Virus or Trojan infection.
•    PC drivers are outdated or installed wrongly may leads the error. 

Methods To Fix Error Code 0xc00007b/0xc000007b in Windows 7, 8, 8.1:

Here follow the methods to fix the error code 0xc00007b/0xc000007b and for this you can try to reinstall the application, this will help you to fix the issue. 

But you may also get this error due to registry or DLL error and repairing registry entries manually is quite difficult and risky so you can go for an automatic Windows Repair Tool. 

Professional Recommended Solution:

You can make use of the automatic Windows Repair tool; this is the best tool to fix various errors in Windows OS. It can also repair errors related to DLL, Registry Entries, Application, Games Error, PC error and many others. This also helps to increase the PC performance and makes the PC error free. 


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