
How to fix WerFault.exe error in windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

The user of Windows 10 faces many errors because this latest OS is having a very vital feature the “Windows Error Reporting System”. And this feature works with Windows error like Application error, WerMgr.exe or WerFault.exe. This feature allows Microsoft track and address error related to the operating system, Windows feature and application.

WerFault.exe and WerMgr.exe is system file that are located in the System32 folder. And it is a part of the Windows Error Reporting System; it collects and sends error report from the user PC to Microsoft.

It is a very annoying error and the most common issue found is that it makes the Windows PC randomly slow and produce different types of error if they are not fixed immediately. And if the user attempt to fix it through the Task Manager of their Windows PC, it display that the CPU Utilization is near about 100% constantly, and the Processed tab display more than one picture of Werfault.exe which is using all the presented CPU memory.

So, you need to fix it immediately, and you can try out the given manual methods.

Note: Make sure that your PC drivers are up-to-date before applying the manual steps and Keep Your Drivers Updated too.

Steps to fix Werfault.exe:

Follow the manual steps to disable the Werfault.exe error in Windows OS:

  1. By clicking Start button open the Control Panel.
  2. And then click on Problem Reports and Solutions.
  3. Click on the Change Settings placed on the left side panel of the Problem Reports and Solutions.
  4. Select an option to categorize how you want Windows to seem for a solution to your issues. You may either set it for automatic or ask you every time to check if any problem occurs.
  5. After that click on the Advanced settings
  6. Select Off to turn off Error Reporting. 

Note: Please make sure to verify the system drivers, and if any outdated drivers found then immediately update it. This process will also help to get rid of errors.

You can follow the given manual steps to fix the Werfault.exe error and increase your PC performance but also note that taking manual steps are risky and also difficult as a small mistake can leads you a big loss, it can also damage the whole PC and also not safe. So you can go for the automatic removal as this is safe and user friendly.

Recommended tool – to improve System Performance:

To make the PC/Laptop clean and fast you need to maintain the system files and other related files of your system. The Reimage Repair tool can help you to make your Windows PC error free without any technical support. It is very effective and designed with the advanced algorithm to repair Windows Update error, application error, PC error, Registry Error and many others.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. Press Windows Key + R; type “sysdm.cpl” and click OK.
    Click Advanced tab | Settings (Performance).
    Click Data Execution Prevention tab.
    Select an option labeled “Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select”.
    Click Add; navigate to the following file:
    Click Apply, and then OK.
    Check if the error is fixed now.
